It Can Change The World, But Will The World Change?

Emerging industries and markets are typically met with an abundance of press & media coverage. We all know this, so why are we opening this week’s blog with it? Well.. as many know when it comes to media, there’s usually a little more on the top than beneath the surface. Readers like to read, and writers like to write - if hype is in demand, let it be served! Given the demand for content, an abundance is certainly not a bad thing.

However, we think the blockchain boom is providing somewhat of a rare occurrence - there’s more beneath, than above the surface. In fact, the media can’t keep up. Maybe this is a result and somewhat a case study that highlights the lack of education within the ‘world’ of blockchain. More than likely. I think we can all certainly agree that this new concept brings a tremendous amount of learning and thinking - in ways that not many of us are used to.

All of a sudden, we’re met with 3 foreign-feeling concepts that aren’t usually within general knowledge - decentralization, finance, and advanced tech conceptualizations. For those initially originating outside of these worlds - ourselves included; you’ll likely agree with us in saying that this ‘merge’ re-shifts and re-shapes many fundamentals found within our processes of common and principal-based logical arithmetic.

It makes you think differently.

By no means is this to say that at a ‘higher level’, we are evolving into syntax-esque vehicles. However, questions naturally arise regarding the lane you’re occupying, and the vehicle you’re occupying it with - when your passenger points at the aircraft moving freely above you.

With blockchain, comes a mass and fundamental movement of education. At present, we are really and truly only just scratching the surface. To us, this is an incredibly remarkable and exciting time that will undoubtedly leave a sizable mark in history. However, our fellow peers who have not yet embarked towards a basic and foundational understanding of blockchain, likely see it differently.

“What ‘problems’ does blockchain fix”?
“How and why is it that now, they are ‘problems’ when we’ve been doing just fine”? “Isn’t this anti-establishment?”
“You’re saying that if I lose my password, my assets are gone forever?” “Everyone’s all excited because Zuckerberg’s involved, think for yourselves.” These are just a handful of comments that I, personally, have overheard.

The reality is that there is a massive shift in mindset required to truly digest and adopt the driving factors in this space. The shift is subjective - some experience it quickly, others need a little more time and dedication to fully achieve an understanding.

Very few, in the grand scheme of this planet’s population, have experienced this shift in thinking and adopted the inarguably valid principals driving this movement. It is, without doubt, an intimidating journey for many to take that first step and begin their venture.

In fact, there is a lack of knowledge surrounding the lack of knowledge.

The perspectives held by many concerning this shift, typically somewhat align with a viewpoint of it being a ‘forced degree in computer science when I’m really not interested.’

Yes, don’t get me wrong - many of us are passionate when it comes to articulating the importance of having a foundational understanding at the very least - which oftentimes (99%), covers up what a blockchain education really is, and what it really teaches you.

The goal isn’t to be able to fluently talk or understand syntax-style-lingo.

The goal is to see and understand problems that our conditioning has historically turned a blind eye to. Afterall, fish that swim upstream or against the current are typically leaner and live longer.

Blockchain is really just an abundantly filled toolbox.

You don’t have to grab the hammer and nails yourself, you just need to be able to see the weak floorboard so you can have it tended to before a swift domestic freefall occurs.

This goes without doubt to say that a large chunk of those who truly embrace, adopt, and achieve a thorough understanding of these problems (with even only a minor understanding of viable solutions aka blockchain) - can’t help but to get involved.

Wanna go fight?

No. Fighting is pointless.

They’re coming directly for your livelihood.


This is by no means to say that a blockchain-based endeavor is like going to battle, as it really isn’t. However, it can certainly be looked upon as combating traditional thinking and outdated practices. Think about it in this fashion; remember decades ago when experts (as well as Al Gore) were repeatedly shrugged off? How everyone had heard of this mysterious and somewhat elusive concept called global warming? There was a lot of chatter, with little action. Bad news makes good press, really bad news leaves you not wanting anymore news at all.

At present, as a global society, we for the most part can vividly see the data articulating this threat. Only now, do we begin to take action - after, statistically speaking, the mother of all delays (It’s quite interesting actually, the level of threat against the response time is unmatched when compared to any war or catastrophic event in human history). Global awareness all of a sudden took off, and we as humans, began to take action.

Awareness of the problem was arguably the key driving factor. However before this, there was a fairly aggressive push of awareness surrounding the ways in which we can cut back and live more sustainably - AKA the solution.

Now, think about this. Awareness surrounding global warming began with publicity towards the solution, however in the end it was more the 'problem orientated’ publicity that propelled society into our current habits of sustainability.

“Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.”

On its own, fear will naturally endorse an instinctual search for hope. Unfortunately; hope, on its own, will more often than not frequently lead to executive dysfunction. Fear is a typical trigger behind taking action and problem solving. Hope, on the other hand, can share similar emotions to that of the problem already being solved. Alas, procrastination sets in.

Blockchain is not exempt from these principles. Many know of blockchain, they know it for what it is - the solution. AKA hope.

We’re currently witnessing a solution first, problem second strategy. As we know from previous examples, this could take years. To yield spectacular results, in a shorter amount of time, we need to flip it. Problem first, solution second. Fear, then hope.

People know about ‘blockchain’, ‘crypto’, and ‘NFTs’.

Not too many people know of the threat lurking beneath the flawed economic structures supporting the largest societies on earth.
Not too many people know what hyper-inflation is.
Not too many people know that a large amount of electoral systems within prominent countries feature wildly out of date security encryptions that can be breached at a recreational level.
Not too many people realize how little control they have over their own money.
Not too many people understand the ethical-corruption found within asset-based intermediaries. Not too many people understand the dangers that come with centralization.

I could go on.. These are just a handful of the problems blockchain can tackle. The ‘problem with these problems’, is that they can frequently be mistaken as ‘necessary evils’, or looked upon as ‘that’s just how the world is’.

In order for the blockchain boom to really go ‘boom’, a re-establishment of the approach towards the general public will need to take place - and draw inspiration from the socially impacted shift of global warming.

It will need to form and take place directly on the ground - as the delay in media could take much longer, as it did with global warming. It’s fair to say that nowadays it’s common knowledge that the larger corporations heavily affected by climate change protocols, are also the same ones who own the media.

The response time towards the publicity supporting the threat of climate change is frequently debated. Often described as ‘a convenient amount of time for larger corporations to pivot’ - one may question the threat blockchain poses towards the same traditional institutions that, also, own the media.

We need to take action, and spread awareness ourselves.

Curious to learn more about the psychology behind the adoption of blockchain and how you can capitalize on catering to this increasing demand for knowledge? Get in touch with us, we’d love to chat and explore concepts found within our research.


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