Members Clubs: The Blockchain Series

On-chain verifications, bespoke concepts, unique benefits, and syndicate-style communications; welcome to the new era of digital speak-easys.

It’s no secret regarding the functional capabilities that Web3 opens up to all internet users. For those who are unaware, Web3 is essentially the next iteration of the world wide web. However this iteration is, obviously, one built on the infrastructure of blockchain: aka decentralization.

The concept of decentralization when referring to the world wide web allows for communications to be 100% private (not Whatsapp’s ‘secure’ definition of private, we mean really private), transactions to be intermediary-less thanks to systems incorporating token-based economics, and most of all a central meeting point for the two (not centralized, but a decentralized, central-point for all things data to converge).

This values data in terms of transaction data, conversation data, and browsing data as equal - entirely controlled by you.

So what does this really turn into?

Well.. it enables leak-proof communities, and seamless transfer of data between one another. A concept we’ll be touching on today incorporates a little bit of everything found in the world of Web3 and decentralization.

Basically, A Group Chat On Steroids.

For years now, there have been countless online communities - whether hosted on discord, telegram, signal etc - that members have been able to access conditionally.

We’re seeing a shift in the way this is done, and it is in the style of a speakeasy. Whether the value of the group or organization is based upon share of information, or perks - the likelihood is that you probably need one of their NFTs in your metamask wallet to get in.

Organizations are beginning to crowdfund their concepts and benefits through NFT sales, with a finite amount available - creating a cross section between exclusivity and economics.

We’ve been picking up a lot of online chatter regarding ‘country-club’ style, virtual members clubs. Where holding one of their NFTs gives you direct access to their discord, and an array of physical-virtual hybrid benefits.

A Decentralized, Digital Version Of The American Express Black Card.

Early access to the pre-minting of exclusive NFTs? You got it.
Preliminary analytics on tokenomics for upcoming crypto projects? It’s there.

Exclusive content, and exclusive experiences whether metaverse based, or in real life - these groups are bringing member benefits to a whole new level.

NFTs are giving communities real-life perks such as discounts and complimentary items to members in real life. A toned down example is currently trending in the skating community - where the purchase of supported NFTs allow free life-time access to select skateparks.

There have been multiple projects focusing on network aspects - particularly mixer events held within private properties in decentraland, where members can interact digitally, and conduct business and communications completely private.

We’re seeing more and more of these concepts come to life, particularly since NFT adoption has shifted more towards functionality than collectibility.

Curious to know how you can leverage the power of Web3 for your business? Get in touch with us! We’d love to chat and bring you up to speed with our network of developers and forward thinking blockchain experts.


The Shift Within NFTs


Healthcare: The Blockchain Series